- Must-Haves In The Kitchen On A Healthy Diet – My Healthy Keto Shopping List – Fruits And Vegetables
- Must-Haves In The Kitchen On A Healthy Diet – My Healthy Keto Shopping List – Dairy And Coconut Products
- Must-Haves In The Kitchen On Healthy Diet – My Healthy Keto Shopping List – Seafood And Meat
- Must-Haves In The Kitchen On A Healthy Diet – My Healthy Keto Shopping List – Nuts And Seeds
- Must-Haves In The Kitchen On A Healthy Diet – My Healthy Keto Shopping List – Condiments
- Must-Haves In My Kitchen On A Healthy Diet – My Healthy Keto Shopping List – Drinks And Supplements
Last time, we were talking about the seafood and meat products that can usually be found in my kitchen. Today let’s talk about nuts and seeds. I will not describe the benefits of all of them as it can be found anywhere, however, I would like to show you how I use them. Just keep in mind that it is my standard shopping list, of course, sometimes I buy additional items as well, it depends on my needs. I am curious if my shopping list is similar to yours. Leave your must-haves in the comments. Also check out my previous posts about Fruits & Vegetables, Dairy & Coconut Products and Seafood & Meat.
What kind of nuts and seeds are on my healthy keto shopping list?
In this blog post we will talk only about seafood and meat. In the previous and following posts you can learn more about the rest of my items. Each item on the list will include my own recipes with the selected item. I hope it will help you a lot!
I usually use nuts as a snack, however I am really careful here. They are high in the calories and I love them too much.
Macadamia is high in Omega-3. It balances Omega-3 and Omega-6 in your system. Other nuts are usually high in Omega-6 which we already take from other foods.
How to eat macadamia?
As a snack!
Pecans are high in Omega-3 as well. It is the same story as with macadamia. It balances the Omega-3 and Omega-6 in your system. Other nuts are usually high in Omega-6 which we already take from other foods. Pecans are also a good source of minerals and vitamins.
How to eat pecans?
As a snack!
Unsweetened Peanut Butter
Peanut butter is my love so I need to be really careful about how much of it I eat, but it is always in my kitchen when I decide to make some healthy sweets.
How to eat unsweetened peanut butter?
All my sweet goods include peanut butter, because I love it!
Seeds in my kitchen are usually used for baking. Chia seeds are always in my baking sweets and flaxseed is perfect for wraps or breads.
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are a super food. They are a good source of potassium and fat, minerals and vitamins.
How to eat chia seeds?
I love to add them to any meal, I just spread on the top of eggs, fish, salad or add them to my baking goods. Cookies are becoming super crunchy and tasty with chia seeds on the top.
Flaxseeds are a good source of fat and protein, minerals and vitamins.
How to eat flaxseeds?
I use flaxseeds mainly to make low carb wraps.
What is on your healthy keto nuts and seeds shopping list?
That’s pretty much my shopping list with nuts and seeds and I can honestly say it is exactly what we buy every time we go to the store if we are talking about this kind of food category. I have been asked so many times what I usually buy and I hope this list will help you with the introduction to a healthy keto diet. Share your list in the comment section! Check out my previous posts with Fruits & Vegetables, Dairy & Coconut Products and Seafood & Meat. The next shopping list is about condiments, see you soon!
Do you have any questions?
Are you having issues with your diet and workout? Do you have any questions or doubts? Let’s meet up!
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Editor – Natasha Jay O’Neil, please contact Natasha directly for queries related to her services.
Zaneta loves challenges so deciding about career path she has chosen typical male industry. Woman who codes. Every 1-2 years she lives in different part of the world. Gym dates is something what she specialised in. Healthy lifestyle, extreme sports and motorbikes have stolen her hear years ago.